5 Psychological Reasons To Engage In Dance Activities.

Do you feel dancing isn’t important? Then you should understand this!

New Writers Welcome


Photo by Morgan Petroski on Unsplash

I grew up knowing how happy my life could be, dancing my way through heartbreaks, emotional downfalls and happy moments. I enjoyed every bit of it and could learn a step by getting a little glimpse of every move.

Throughout my life, I came in contact with individuals who said; dancing isn’t for me, I am shy, I can’t move my body, dancing is difficult. But it may interest you to know that dance is just a movement of your body in a rhythmic way in accordance with an ongoing beat or song.

As time and years grew by, I began to see reasons to continue dancing even as I grew older. Engaging in dance activities doesn’t necessarily mean getting it right or having a guideline to being perfect in your moves. You should understand that moving parts of your body in any direction of the rhythm is a great feeling as it provides some psychological benefits to your body, mind and soul.

I realized that dancing helped in bringing deeper self-expression, more truth and better satisfaction till this moment. Various dance styles like tango, ballet, bachata, Pantomime and traditional dances had great roles to play in my life. Whether you flaunt your every move on the dance floor or sway to your favorite song in the car, dance is an activity you should enjoy, in one way or another. Dancing is something that brings a smile to your face, and also improve your mental wellbeing.

I can say that when you dance, you put your mind and body in a piece. Before you offer reasons not to dance, take a look at the benefits you get from engaging in dance activities.

  1. Boost Confidence

When I began dancing, it was difficult engaging in activities that warrant getting on stage due to the fact that shyness always beckoned. But I realized that at some point, I gradually gained confidence, especially during rehearsals. Dancing is beneficial in increasing self-esteem and boosting confidence by fostering self-expression and developing social skills. Today there are no stages nor mountains that I could not face as regards stage fright.

2. Reduced Depression and Anxiety

Dance is therapeutic! we are however not ignorant of the fact that while being depressed, we tend to avoid activities that are spirit-lifting. Dancing could turn 100% symptoms of depression into a zero percentage of absolutely no depression. All you need to do is; put on your favorite music and dance your way through. Dance is an anti-depressant/anxiety activity. It has been the cure for my bad days. It’s simply the bolster for physical and mental health that lifts mood and ease anxiety.

3. Improves Cognitive Ability

Dance is a form of brain and mental function that help boost memory. I associate my dance with a real-life situation which helps to sharpen my memory. Researchers have shown that dancing improves cerebral health and one of the cognitive domains, spatial memory. This helps your brain to exercise, when you try to know how to move, synchronizing your moves to a rhythm, learning new choreography to a dance routine are all good and effective ways to create new pathways. As a result, your brain has an easier time accessing stored information and memories.

4. Help with Emotional Expression.

Dance builds empathy. My favorite part! Engaging in a dance regularly helps to build your ability to empathize and express emotion which are crucial aspects of creating a good connection with others. Most times you affect lives by interpreting the emotions of others, sometimes, it could be you playing out what you feel on the inside, thereby helping you to let go of border issues. This mostly allows my feeling to move through and out of my body and in doing so, I move others as well.

5. Improves Posture and Flexibility.

Dancing equips you physically by helping to prevent falls. The more you dance, the more you become flexible, the more balance you gain and your posture improves to be the best way you want it based on your consistency. Remember! when the best results are gotten, it can help boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Dancing is no job, it’s a fun-filled activity that comes with the above great benefits, and when you don’t feel like dancing, challenge yourself, bearing these points in mind.

Dance your way through it all….



New Writers Welcome

A passionate psychologist and therapist dedicated to empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate greater well-being.