Seven Reasons why you can’t be happy

Your happiness is paramount, this is why you need this.

New Writers Welcome


Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

My little years of existence on earth have taught me to see positivity in all circumstances.

Are you carrying bags of worries, anger, and issues with you at all times? If I may ask, were you able to solve them, or were the issues solved at their best time?

Have you had reasons to keep being unhappy, well, I am here to make this clear to you!

Happiness is everything, it is the food that nourishes the soul. However, I expect you’d ask me the why’s for saying so

It might interest you to know that at age 17, I got to realize some obvious reasons that might make people feel unhappy and we pay less attention to them in as much as they exist. These things keep playing out in classrooms, between friends, families, and among colleagues in our society and communities.

The balance of emotions and life satisfaction are all embedded as components of happiness, so why then should you choose to remain unhappy. It entails feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment.

Most times, being happy starts within you. You don’t have to ask for happiness. If there are no tangible reasons for feeling sad, then there might be some things your mind engages in unconsciously.

People might talk about happiness, relating it to how they feel presently, or how they feel about life overall because happiness covers a broad space in human life. But in an actual sense, life is everything.

Being happy could help you leave a positive influence on others, it is of benefit to your health and psychology which enables you to be more productive. It enables you to feed well just like I do most times.

There is a strong relationship between mental health and happiness, When people are healthier, have better relationships, make friends with ease, and find more success in life, it’s easy to see why happiness and mental health are related.

But the question here is; why are you unhappy? And why can’t you be happy?

#1 Associating with negative people and being negative.

Negative people are question marks that wallow in their problems and neglect looking for a solution to their problems. They enjoy being pitied by individuals to feel good about themselves. You should avoid associations with such people by setting limits and distancing yourself.

For instance, if your friend were to be an armed robber going about killing people and maybe it gets to your turn to get shot or injured, would you sit and follow such a person to waste your precious time? Who gets to lose at the end? Are you happy and fulfilled with this?

Strive to surround yourself with people who inspire you positively, people who would make you a better person. Life is too short to associate with such types of individuals. You should cut them loose and watch your mood and happiness soar.

On the other part, being negative by yourself is deadly and worse than the influenced negativity. Anything coming from within you can either kill or make you. Work on yourself.

#2 Impressing

People will love and fancy everything about you but it’s never a green flag for likeness. Impressing people is paving the way to unhappiness because it doesn’t get the source of what makes you happy.

Allow people to love you for who you truly are. Making it a habit to chase things for people to notice you is like making it a habit to be unhappy because on getting those things, you get to find out you got them to the detriment of things that should make you happy.

#3 Expressing dissatisfaction/complaining

Complaining comes with a tormenting attitude that brings about trouble all around you. It is a self-reinforcing behavior.

By complaining regularly, you keep reaffirming how bad things are, how they would still be, and keep having faith in your negative beliefs which is automatic unhappiness.

It’s okay for you to talk about what bothers you and feel alright. But remember, there’s a thin line between complaining being therapeutic and fueling unhappiness. Aside from complaints making you feel unhappy, it also chases people away from you.

#4 Isolation of oneself

Keeping yourself away from the social world is a sign of unhappiness which is the saddest and worst thing to engage in.

Socialize even when you don’t feel like it because it elevates your mood and brings you out of your shell.

Once isolating yourself becomes a tendency, it destroys your mood at all times. Try recognizing when unhappiness is trying to make you antisocial!

Get out! Mingle!! And notice the difference.

#5 Blaming

This becomes so incompatible with your happiness especially when you feel the need to be in control of your life.

Where you blame people and circumstances for bad things that have happened to you, you have then decided that you have no control of your life, which destroys your mood one hundred percent.

#6 submitting to fear

Fear is a lingering emotion fueled by our imaginations. You should face your fears and not run from them.

Fear is a choice, happy people are more aware of this than anyone. They are addicted to euphoric feelings that they receive from conquering these fears.

Confront your fears for there lies your happiness. Dare not to forget that fear kills faster emotionally than anything else.

Happiness is synthetic, you either create it or you don’t!




New Writers Welcome

A passionate psychologist and therapist dedicated to empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate greater well-being.