Ten Powerful Psychological Things to Say to Yourself Each Day

Your life should have a voice!

New Writers Welcome


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Your life should have a voice!

What you say about yourself and to yourself, goes a long way in determining who you truly are inwardly and how you act physically. We often say many things, the good, the bad, and the ugly without knowing its implication on our being.

However, all we want is to be able to say things that will make us feel excited and great about ourselves and probably influence our peers too.

Most times words spoken to ourselves are mind creators and encouragement tools that drive us in doing better.

Times, being successful, happy, and healthy are all embedded in our thoughts and mindset. These mindsets create a platform that leads to the germination of willingness, affirmations, and zeal. An author once said;

“There is no inspiration without being armed with the ability of self-talk.”

Mwanandeke Kindembo

My Experience!

I always enjoyed attending workshops, training, and seminars. Some years back, I attended one of these training which happened to be a five-day training.

At the end of every session, we were always grouped and given tasks to be presented by a representative of the group.

I barely came up to represent my group due to the fear and shyness that kept glaring all over me. I thought it wasn’t ideal to talk when older aged persons were there, with more experience than I had.

Being the youngest, I told myself I had nothing to offer, compared to other participants in the training.

The first, second, third, and fourth day came and went by, and here came the fifth day with the last presentation. It could be seen that I was one person left to participate.

The trembling and voices of discouragement in my head were out of this planet. Suddenly, all faces and hands pointed towards me with words, “Aultima, you are next!” But then, I noticed I had nothing to be scared of, and at that point, I spoke to myself with these calm words “I can do this!” with no pressure, I got up, did my thing with all ease, and softness.

It was at the end of my presentation that I realized how good the presentation was, due to the great standing ovations given to me.

My experience shows that spoken words to self are key. Amazingly, the presentation was achieved just with the word “I can do this!” This is why I believe the words of — Stanley

“Positive self-talk can build your self-confidence.”

Stanley T. Crawford

If words weren’t powerful! People would have resolved to use sign languages for communication. Those who use sign language, don’t use it for fun. Rather, they use it because life gave them a reason to, and they crave to use these verbal words daily. This shows how significant spoken words are.

It is important to note that, for you to be a valuable person to the world, you must first create who you are with spoken words each day before dashing out.

Living a positive life can be as clear as what we whisper to ourselves. Our self-talk may be paramount to what the world is telling us because it shapes us!

The perfect part!

This is the fact that we can change what we say in our minds or what people say to us that keeps resounding in our heads! What a sigh of relief ….

What to say?

The point here is, to avoid acting like I did in the training, here’s what to say to yourself each day and probably keep reminding yourself of these words every time.

I am Strong and Bold.

You don’t hesitate to take action, you are strong and bold to laugh in the face of fears striding with steadfast stability and purpose.

Remember, you are strong enough to grab life by the horns no matter what it throws at you. You are bold to own your identity and flaunt it.

I am Courageous Enough to Stand up for myself

Courageous people deal with their fears, never allowing their fears to overshadow their accomplishments. You should be courageous to stand up against things that threaten your being or stop you from achieving your goals. Courage is being afraid, yet acting anyways. It is a habit and a muscle you can exercise. You should be ready to dare your belief, despite dangers.

I am Confident.

This is a way of walking through your world. No need to know everything, be the best or have everything. It’s all about standing tall in your mind and physically, for no one knows if you aren’t fully sure of the steps you are taking or what you’re about to say.

I am in control of how I react.

The skills needed to manage our emotions and react appropriately are part of emotional skills called emotional intelligence. Developing all this takes time and practice. Managing your reactions means choosing how best and when to express the emotions we feel.

People who manage their emotions know that it’s healthy to express their feelings, but that it matters how they react. Because of this, they’re able to react to situations and people in the best productive ways.

Individuals who know they can choose the way they react instead of letting emotions influence them to do or say things they later regret, have a great sense of when it’s best to speak out, and when it’s better to wait before acting on or reacting to, what they feel. They are aware that their reaction influences what happens next, including how other people respond to them and the way they feel about themselves.

I am hopeful.

This means you are optimistic about future events. You are confident that something you want to occur will happen. It confirms you have a positive belief in something good to come. So be hopeful always, it keeps you alive.

I am capable

This is affirming that you can handle all things in your life, from the smallest to the biggest things. There shouldn’t be anything you can’t overcome.

Remember, you are able and capable to handle things even when you are not certain. Things may look intimidating at first, but you are capable to accomplish more than you think.

I own my happiness

Have it in mind that no one is in charge of your happiness. You don’t have to look for happiness in others, for happiness is doing exactly things that make you a happy and a fulfilled person

I am Lovable

You should be loved just the way you are. How you look, laugh, talk, and see things shouldn’t change for you to be loved. To assure yourself that you are loved, you should maybe write a note to yourself that you are lovable just the way you are. Believe this! Internalize it and say it every single day.

I believe in myself

You should have faith in doing something within your ability and capabilities even if no one believes in you. Believe in oneself overcomes self-doubt and creates the unimaginable. The biggest reason people don’t achieve their goals and realize their dream is they don’t believe in themselves to take the actions set by them.

Hear this! Everything you have in your life is a result of believing in yourself and believing it is possible!

I am Contented

This shows you are happy and satisfied for all you are grateful for which is more like peaceful ease of mind. It is being delighted with what you have, who you are, what you’re becoming, and where you are.

It is appreciating the reality of the present, accepting what you do have and where you are presently in life. Contentment isn’t the absence of desire; it justifies your satisfaction with your now, and you trust the process in life for the best.

I will conclude with these words from -David Taylor

“Words matter. And the words that matter most are the ones you say to yourself.”

David Taylor-Klaus

You are who you are by virtue of self-words. Never forget this!

Speak positivity at all times!




New Writers Welcome

A passionate psychologist and therapist dedicated to empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate greater well-being.